Tuesday, October 28, 2008

School's about to begin!

Well today was the last day of orientation, and we will begin classes next week on Monday. Until then we the staff and faculty will meet to finish preparing for courses and the students... Last week we had the board meeting and then the official opening of the second year of school. It was a beautiful celebration and very good for me to see just how excited the students and the community are about going back to school. Ah if that energy and joy could be found in students who have incredible buildings and resources...

So what can I say about Beni? It's really nice here. I mean – there is extreme poverty everywhere… There is not a day that goes by in which I see women carrying water on their heads or on their backs alongside the road or even near to the Kasali's house. The roads are all dirt… And it's a type of dirt (which I can't remember the name, of course), anyway it is pretty red in color… And it dries very fast. So fast that even if it rains (like it did a bit today), it dries so quickly that the roads become dusty. Tonight on our way back to the house – it was so dusty outside it looked like a dense fog. I was shocked. And this dust sticks in your throat and mouth… It makes people cough when it's really dry and I bet it causes health problems as well. It can be really bad at times. But in spite of those things - the people amaze me with their happiness, their joy. People laugh, tell jokes, give - even though they have little to nothing, or have lost more than we can even imagine.

As I think some of the pictures showed you... the drive here was really gorgeous… And even the views that we have here in Beni can be breath-taking! The Rwenzori mountains are incredible. Oh but it was SO COOL to see elephants from the car! When Paul said – "look Bethany, elephants." I was in shock. Really? It was so neat!!!!! I wish I'd gotten better pictures… But none of the ones that I uploaded have been edited (you know cropping is amazing!), so perhaps if I ever have time to do that… I'll have some good pictures!!

Ah there are so many things lacking here that it's really miraculous that they were able to have classes here last year at all... Much less bring in a second class of students this year... God is incredible. Wow. Anyway, things are good!

But at the same time, things here are so far below what most (and I) think are necessary standards for education... And we have seven brand new teachers. And a new board of directors. All of those things and more added together equal a big opportunity for mistakes, and struggles... So we are working together trying to iron out the issues we're already facing (classroom space is where??), and growing together as a team. It's exciting, and challenging at thes same time.

We, UCBC, are doing something that isn't normal. Education for students... By faculty who care about the lives and futures not only of their students, but also of their country. It's something that the people even here in Beni say "Wow. You go to / work at / are involved with UCBC?" It's becoming a place that parents are asking if their son or daughter can attend here... People in the community are noticing a difference in the students and how they behave and what they do... Especially compared to students from other universities. This is something that could become (and already is) so powerful.

Here are some more photos... Just a few from the last week or so... I hope you enjoy seeing a little bit into life here...



Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Finally, here are some pictures!

Just click on the link, it'll take you to my photo album :)


Things here at UCBC are going very well... It's been a productive two days... And today is proving to be the same!

Next thing on my personal list of things to do... Is to figure out how to get minutes for my cell phone (which was purchased in Kampala), so that I can call home!! heheh :)

(edit 16/OCT/2008 5:20 pm)
I didn't put any pictures of the elephants in my album... So here is one! Kind of far... But still... They are elephants! ;)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Welcome to Congo!

Hello friends!

I just wanted to leave a quick note letting you know that we safely arrived in Beni on Saturday night, after leaving Kampala at 7am... It was a long 10 hour drive, but it was so beautiful!!! We saw so much... from plants and people and houses to elephants (!!!!!!!!!!!!) and antelope... It was fantastic. I can't wait to upload my photos so that you can see some...

Right now I'm at UCBC where Dr Kasali, Paul Robinson (the head of the US side of CI-UCBC) and I are meeting for a few days to get some work done before the rest of the board arrives! It's very exciting to be here and see this school! It's new and still developing but the people - teachers, students and staff are all so excited as well. I'm really happy to be here :) Today there is a group of students taking entrance exams for the first year... They are all hoping they will be able to attend school at the end of this month!! :)

I know I keep promising updates... But I will hopefully get a chance to do so soon... Gotta go... I hope that you are doing well...


ps - The Rwenzori mountains can be seen right outside the house... Gorgeous. And yes, you should be jealous ;)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Wow. Kampala, Uganda is so big, busy, crowded and beautiful! There are so many people everywhere, if it's not in a little motorcycle swerving around on the roads with at least one client on the back, it's the thousands of taxi's going in and out of the traffic with at least 15 people inside, holding on for dear life.

But I like it here. Lake Victoria is just a short (maybe two or three mile) walk away... There are boats and people all buying, selling, fishing... there is so much to see here!

And then when we go to the actual city centre of Kampala... I have never seen so many things being sold in one spot - hundreds of shops, merchants outside selling things, and thousands of people everywhere. I have pictures... But I can't upload them yet... Soon! :)

Anyway, things here are good... I'm excited to travel to Congo this weekend... It will be good to get there and get started!

More soon :)
