Saturday, October 31, 2009

Going back to the Congo

Hi ya'll!

Well it's true. Soon I will be heading back to work again in the DR Congo. We have booked flights to leave on the 11th of November - less than two weeks from now!

I currently only have 50% of the necessary financial support to work in Congo for the next eight months. So while I am in Beni, I will have to continue to raise that support. Otherwise, I will be returning to the States very quickly! After the costs of my visas, flights and health insurance are paid for - I have enough funding to remain in Congo for just two months. So keep me in mind and prayers as I continue to work with the Congolese leadership at UCBC.

There will be a sendoff open house at my parents' house on Saturday, November 7th. Please come out because I would love to see as many people as possible before I go back to Beni. Send me an email for more details -

Thank you as always for going on this journey with me.


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