Friday, March 5, 2010

Watch out for... Bamboo?

A few weeks ago… I was thrilled to see a bamboo tree (is it a tree or a plant?) when I got off of a motorcycle. I stepped closer to it, still a solid 5 feet from the base of the stalks – when my friend Noé asked me to stop and please stand on the other side of the motorcycle… Conversation continued with those we were with, but later I had to ask him why he had called me (somewhat urgently) from the tree.

“Snakes love to live in bamboo trees. You won’t know they’re there unless you get too close and then it’s too late.”

Good to know! I’ll stay away from bamboo from now on!


destinednomad said...

bamboos belong to the grass family:) and i never knew about the snakes-bamboo connection. thanks for the alert!

Noé and Bethany said...

Me neither. Although it could be unique to Congolese bamboo / snakes! :) Love you Lepcha - and miss you!