Wednesday, June 23, 2010


This afternoon, drinking some yogurt, one of our students, Jimmy, came up to me at my desk. He told me he was hungry (which means, "what are you going to do to stop this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, Bethany??"). I told him I didn't have any food to give him, but he could have the rest of my yogurt.
It became a debate about whether or not he could take it from me, after all, he said the Bible says that if you have two, you should share. But if you only have one, a person shouldn't ask for it! I don't know where that is in the Bible, but it's what he said.
So I told him I would puke if I drank any more... And he finally agreed to take it from me.
And then Jimmy said, "Now I'll go walk around with this and people will think I'm a boss! A big man. I'm drinking yogurt!"
Ah God, the things we take for granted... That others would cherish. Thank you for the reminder.