Monday, August 15, 2011

Graduation Photos

With Chels and Meri at home

Othy, Hulda, Mama Decky, Lily, Fila, Dr. Kaswera, Samy, Zawadi

Drs. Kasali

Nono, Samy, Hulda, Joel

Mukanirwa and Mama Decky


Kakule, Othy, Kaswera

Francine, Mama Hulda, Sifa, Nono, Mama Decky, Kisuba, Samy

David Bamlango, Paul Robinson, Zawadi



Celebrating together with UCBC students and staff

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Graduation Day

Our first class of students has graduated from UCBC!!

These students came to UCBC for our first year, in 2007. They are our pioneers... Truly, they helped to build and develop UCBC. 

It was a joyous day celebrating with the community, these students' accomplishments. 

Many are going to start work, some will continue their studies at UCBC and others will continue in other universities. 

I'll try to upload more photos soon... :)

All is well here in Beni. It's good to be back and to work with the staff here again. More soon...

with love,