It’s been a little while… about two weeks since I updated. So here's an update! :)
The support letters have been sent and though it's hard waiting… That’s about all that I can do right now. So what’s been going on? Well I’ve finished taking anti-Typhoid pills (I’m told that I’ll be immunized against it for 5 years, instead of 3 years with the shot), I’ve picked up my Malaria pills and some other medications for when I’m there… I’ve been poked and prodded and deemed “healthy” so I’m still on my way!
If you didn’t get a support letter and would like one – please email me your address and I’ll send it to you! My email address is
I was back in Chicago for a few days last week… It was so good to recon
I’m still in a waiting period, but each day there is encouragement for my soul. And there are many reminders that I am going where God wants me to go...
Spending time with my family has been good. It’s been relaxing,
A few months ago… I was speaking with a man who is widely traveled, a greatly respected pastor in the north suburbs of Chicago, and a Biblical scholar. He had just come back from his most recent trip to Israel and mentioned that they went through or near the town of Bethany. He asked if I knew what my name meant… I said “yes, it means, ‘house of God!’” He smiled and said, “Beth-el means ‘house of God.’ Bethany means, ‘house of the poor.’”
Strangely enough, this didn’t disappoint as I think it would for most… In fact, it almost relieved me… I always thought that there was a lot of responsibility in my name, and that I always fall short of it. However, house of the poor… That means that I can do something! I don’t know what exactly, but it encouraged me. Especially in light of where I’m headed for now… I feel like that is where I’m going – to help and in a way, provide a shelter / protection for the poor… Be it physically, emotionally or spiritually. So in a way, it’s not really less responsibility in realizing the true meaning of my name. Being a haven for the poor / disadvantaged / hurting isn’t an easy task either. However, I feel that it’s something I can do, something that God is equipping me to be able to do. And it just makes me smile. I want to be a house for the poor! Oh that God would use me in such a way.
The verse I’ve added to the side of my blog is one that one of my former co-workers, Susan, and I were talking about. She told me how they use this verse at her church… And it just struck me very deeply after reading it. This is my prayer for the Democratic Republic of Congo… And for UCBC.
Regardless of how this impacts anyone else – it spoke to me, and I feel that it is appropriate for where I’m headed in this next stage of life. Please read it!
Thank you for all who met up with me while I was in Chicago last week. It meant so much to me – more than I think you can realize! If I didn’t get to meet up with you, I probably will be back in the next few weeks – so let me know if you want to get together!
I need to say Asante Sana (“thank you very much” in Swahili) to everyone who has given financial support and started praying for me already. You are helping send me to Congo. Not for pleasure or a vacation… But so that I can help those around me. Those who want to make changes in their country – and be leaders in the name of God. Thank you!
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