There's still so much to do before I can go (pray for my visas, please!), and even though the time is steadily slipping away... I want to enjoy these last couple of weeks as much as possible. Good byes are hard but thank God for the wonderful memories we have!
Even though I didn't expect or plan to be here for so long, it has been a really good, full and blessed year! As a little recap:
- Our family (minus Becky & Jon) went out east together last summer. The time with family was wonderful, and we had a fun road trip and time spent at the beach. It was a great opportunity to hang out and reconnect.
- Being at home with Mom and Dad (and Nathan), allowed me to help out with homework (yay for helping to write and edit English papers at 2am! You know you're loved when your big sister stays up that late! ;) hehe), and bond with my brother in new ways.
- I got to watch Becky develop as a beautiful and pregnant woman... How fun to watch her change before my eyes as she and Jon prepared to become parents!
- Numerous trips to Chicago and the area allowed me to reconnect and rekindle so many important friendships that I thank God for placing in my life.
- Thanksgiving at home with the whole family (minus Hannah), Birthdays and Christmas - all things I really missed while I'd been in Congo for two years.
- We went skiing a few times (it'd been forever since I last went), that was a blast! And sledding :) Hill 17!
- Our family hosted an exchange student from Poland, Karolina. It was good to be with her and the rest of the family for the majority of her stay with us, from middle of January until the end of June!
- I took a trip out to LA with my dear friend Mandi to visit another wonderful friend, Michelle. It was a great little vacation and time to even swim in the (chilly) Pacific, in April!
- Our family took another family trip out east during Nathan and Karolina's spring break - we saw
Niagara Falls, family in Syracuse, Maryland, Pennsylvania and even Delaware. Some of us got our feet in the ocean, but it was significantly colder than in LA! We spent time in Washington, DC and even New York City.
- Reunions and lots of laughter over yummy meals with good friends has been wonderful.
- This spring meant yardwork, helping (a little) in the garden and watching everything turn green, at last!
- Becky gave birth to Marcus in April, and it has been sooooo fun to watch him grow a little, almost before my very eyes. I have loved having a nephew and getting to shower him with love!
- Sarah graduated from college and Karolina from high school. Both are milestones and I loved being here to celebrate with them!
- Hannah came back from Ecuador in June, Karolina left a few weeks later and it was so good to be here!
- We've been picking strawberries and even made ice cream once...
- The 4th of July meant fireworks, BBQs and time in the pool... Which, is awesome! :)
Things will be super busy in Beni when I get there:
- The Graduation ceremony for our first class of students will be at the end of July!!
- Year-end celebrations with all of the students and staff.
- Farewells to students and teachers for their vacations (or, with the graduates, as they go on to pursue their careers).
- Reconnecting with many friends and colleagues in and around Beni.
- A trip to Burundi for a wedding in August.
- And preparations for the start of the next school year, in September.
Thank you all so much for your love and support during not just this year, but since this journey first got underway, in 2008.
I will try to keep you posted in the coming weeks...
much love,
all the best bethany! am sure it will be a grand homecoming:) keep us updated through this blog! and i think you are the only person i keep in touch from hotASP> :):)
thanks girl :) I'm glad we keep in touch... even if it's just via our blogs! we gotta get together again and take some photos... [but where?!] i miss those days!!
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