Monday, February 27, 2012

The Mystery of Children: The Three Fools - a story

Dear Friends,

I read this posting from January, on my friend Soyon's blog and just loved it! She has posted a beautiful chapter from Mike Marson's book, The Mystery of Children. And I wanted to share it with you!
With Soyon, and other friends at ASP, in 2004!

Please click here to go to her blog and read the whole (but quite short) chapter!

Chapter Two and a Half from The Mystery of Children by Mike Mason 
The star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. Matthew 2:9 
The three wise men (as everyone knows but likes to forget) did not visit Jesus in the manger as a baby. They found Him much later, living in a shanty on the outskirts of Bethlehem, when He was two years old. This is important. 
They were looking for a child, and this was a matter of some awkwardness for them. They wondered: What sort of behavior would be appropriate in the presence of a child-king?


destinednomad said...

hotASP!!! nice reminder bride-to-be:)

Noé and Bethany said...

haha! Thanks, dear friend!! :)