Monday, September 17, 2012


A few weeks ago, we went to a civil wedding ceremony in Beni... Well, not only did we go, but Noé drove the new couple after they were married. I was his date :)

Anyway, during the very long ceremony... the "official" who married them, had a phone call. And he stopped talking and he answered the phone!

Here's a little proof :)
To protect his identity - we've blurred it a little... But you can still see the back of the groom's head, fairly clearly! And the official is hard to miss, on the left, with his hand to his ear (I promise he's holding a phone!) hehe

A few minutes later, he resumed his duties and married the couple... eventually. But we all heard his conversation - which, was weird. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

August Update

Hello dear friends,

If you follow the links below, you'll find some information from us, at last!

The first one is our recent report, here: August Update

As well as our prayer card, here: Prayer cards

Please check out the links to these documents above, read them, share them if want, and remember us in your prayers. We long for God's people to be united in prayer... Not just over us, but together in prayer in all things.

If we're united in prayer, then we'll see the power of the Lord moving in and through and for his people. 

And although students aren't in class right now, we've still been working the last month and a half. But we hope that for the next few weeks we'll be able to have a little time off... We'll still be online occasionally, just not as "regularly!" 

Thank you! 
With love,
Noé and Bethany