[T]he Christian Bilingual University of Congo was inaugurated in October 2007. This is a university that intentionally integrates academic coursework and service-learning, instilling in students an ethic of servant-leadership, equipping them to engage the challenges faced by their communities, and to actively seek healing and change for their nation in whatever professional capacity they pursue.
The Université Chrétienne Bilingue du Congo (UCBC) is an institution of higher education offering degrees through the Master’s level and community development programs in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Located in Beni, North Kivu Province, UCBC is a Congolese vision, articulated to address the immediate and long-term needs of eastern Congo’s population. It integrates rigorous and innovative academic inquiry with ethical training and a community focus.
The major objective of UCBC is to promote excellence in academic training rooted in Christian, transformational and contextual values in order to train true agents of change who will impact the future of D.R. Congo. To achieve this objective, UCBC offers a variety of degree programs taught in English and French, giving students access to a broad spectrum of academic resources from both major traditions. International faculty and staff contribute critical skills and experience toward achieving academic excellence at UCBC. UCBC believes that a diverse staff working together around the principles of academic inquiry, community engagement and student service is integral in forming students into ethical leaders and global citizens.