Monday, March 15, 2010


i love the smell of the ground when it rains.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

a visual update

Well I have finally managed to upload some photos today!

I hope you enjoy some of the pics (from my time in the States, up to the end of February).... Just another way to see what's going on here in the Congo and in my life!

My photos at Picasa

Love and peace to you all,

Checking out some fabric at the market (photo stolen from Grant's facebook page... Asante kaka! ;) )

Friday, March 5, 2010

Watch out for... Bamboo?

A few weeks ago… I was thrilled to see a bamboo tree (is it a tree or a plant?) when I got off of a motorcycle. I stepped closer to it, still a solid 5 feet from the base of the stalks – when my friend Noé asked me to stop and please stand on the other side of the motorcycle… Conversation continued with those we were with, but later I had to ask him why he had called me (somewhat urgently) from the tree.

“Snakes love to live in bamboo trees. You won’t know they’re there unless you get too close and then it’s too late.”

Good to know! I’ll stay away from bamboo from now on!