Wednesday, September 2, 2009

what next?

Since coming back to the States, I've had many people ask me, "What will you do now?" Or others will ask, "When do you go back to Congo?" And some have said, "Are you really going back there?" :) That one might be my favorite... Because yes, I do intend to go back!

I feel called to return there again. When I go back, I will stay for the school year, and come back here again for the summer months. I am excited to return, but for now, am enjoying time with family.

Since the craziness of my sister's wedding is now over (which was beautiful and a lot of fun!), I now hope to reconnect with people and friends in a better way. and really sit down and talk with people.

So, I will be returning to the DR Congo once again. This time, I know what to expect - just how long the flight really is, the living situation, the language, the food, the lifestyle, community expectations and of course people!

And I'm going knowing that there is a lot more work to be done. UCBC is still a new university, this will be our third year. People are hearing more and more about the "new" type of education that students receive in our classrooms. Students are coming from outside North-Kivu, even outside of Western Congo... Some from Uganda and even Kenya. It's amazing to see the hope in the faces of students and families... People who have experienced so much hurt, pain and loss. But still cling to joy and the promise of a brighter future.

Also in this new year, I will have added responsibilities. Well, official ones! :) This year I will also be UCBC's Volunteer Coordinator, working with Justin in that role, as he used to be the one who did all of that work. It is really important for the running of the university and the sake of the students and outside community - that all of our international staff and volunteers come to Congo prepared, ready to adjust and open. My job will be to help facilitate that.

I feel a responsibility to try to help make a brighter future possible. I feel led to work and serve there. And I am honored to do so. I pray that doors will continue to be opened for the university and for the students who are working so hard there. They are investing so much into their studies - hoping for a chance at peace, happiness and security.

Thank you for going with me on this journey. More soon...

with love,


Anonymous said...

love reading your blogs. I would love to see you before you leave. chicago is calling you.
love you

SusanD. said...


It is a joy and pleasure to follow your journey and the work you are doing in DRC through UCBC (or, more accurately, the work God is doing through all involved with UCBC). Thank you for updating as often as you can through both word and photos. Is there a way to add a link to your blog so we can donate directly to UCBC? Can you also add the link to the school (I forgot the web address.) It is wonderful to see the work the Lord is doing in your life and the joy you have for the work He is calling you to in DRC. :) ~Susan