Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A little motorcycle ride to UCBC

(This is not the gate to our house. But I used to live here!)
Noé and I are really blessed to have our motorcycle. I call it ours but he's had it for almost a year already. Since I got back from the States in July, Noé's called it my motorcycle, and I've called it his. But, "what's mine is yours, what's yours is mine..." It's our motorcycle and it's really helped us so much. 

I remember so many times in the last few years where we'd have to borrow from friends or rent them if we needed to go places for the day... It's really just been a huge blessing for us to have our own source of reliable transportation.

A few days ago, Noé and I left home to go to work (albeit a bit late, due to yours truly). When we left the house, Noé said he didn’t know if we’d have enough gas to make it. I thought maybe we’d stop to buy some gas along the way, to ensure we’d “make it…” But he said, let’s see! :)

So we left.

And we passed the gas station.

And as we were going around the last corner before UCBC, I was feeling pretty good about how we’d nearly made it!

And then Noé says, “Oh, that’s the sign. We’re out of gas.”

(I still don’t know what the “sign” is, but this has happened a few times where he knows we have a few moments [or meters or centimeters or…?] to go until we actually run out of gas. And at this point, we'd never actually run out of gas, so the "sign" is actually pretty helpful.)

Anyway, instead of stopping on that corner, where the last little boy was selling gas in old ½ liter water bottles – we kept going.

We were so close.

We got to just before the UCBC driveway, when we were no longer sputtering forward, but coasting… And then we coasted to a stop. So I hopped off the motorcycle and Noé pushed it across the street (we have to cross traffic to get to UCBC).

He then told me to get back on. I smiled and couldn’t help but say, “Shouldn’t I just walk down the driveway?” He was like, no – let’s go. So I get on, and we easily coasted down the whole driveway to our regular parking spot underneath one of the trees.

As I got back on the motorcycle to enter UCBC, Noé reminded me that the entire driveway slopes downhill… And sure enough, my husband got us to UCBC, in spite of us not having enough gas.

It was hilarious.
And a lot of fun.

I’m thankful for these little moments that God gives us.

It could have been stressful, annoying, frustrating. But it was something that just cracked us up. Nobody knew we ran out of gas, and so what if they had known! We got to UCBC, we were able to get more gas before the end of the day, and get back home - all without a "problem."

It was a good morning! 

1 comment:

Chelsie Frank said...

love it. i am so thankful for the way our Congolese friends are has a great effect on me (a high-strung American)!