Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Back to Beni!


I'm writing just before I leave for Congo. I will be heading out on the evening of the 11th, and I am excited to return there. It’s amazing how the past few weeks, days, hours seemed to just fly past me. I’ve been back in the States since the middle of July, for four months now. And it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long… Sometimes it feels like it’s been longer, but for the most part – it seems like I haven’t been here long enough!

Where did the time go? I regret that there were so many people who I was not able to visit or spend enough time with. It’s like I’ve watched the time slip out of my fingertips and I’m leaving already.

But just like the time in the States flew by quickly, I’m sure that my time in Congo will go by as equally fast. This time around, I will only be in the Congo until the end of June. There are commitments that I’d made to be in the States in early July – so I will return again after just seven or eight months away. This time around, my stay in Beni will go by even faster than before.

So I hope that I will be able to spend more time with many of you when I return next summer. My trip could also be cut shorter, depending on my financial support. I am so blessed by all of you who decided to continue supporting my work in the Congo, and those who are joining for the first time this year. I am still amazed at this team which we have formed – together we are making an impact on the lives of so many in the DR Congo. And I thank you for joining with me!

At this point, I have enough funding raised to keep me in the Congo for 4.5 months, until the end of March, 2010. Which means that I have just about 70% raised!! I still need to raise enough support to cover the final three months of my time in Congo – otherwise I will be coming back to the States sooner than expected or planned!

I appreciate your prayers regarding all things. Please continue to pray for the necessary financial support for myself and my teammates, Justin and Megan, who I will travel with on Wednesday. Please pray for us as we travel to Uganda and then a couple of days later, when we travel through that country and into the Congo.

We should arrive to Beni, my second home, on the evening of Saturday, November 14th. We will be met by some of the UCBC staff at the border and travel the next couple of hours through the mountains and along the bumpy dirt roads. After being in Beni for a few days, I should be able to update again!

As always, thank you for your love, support and prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bethany! I will have you and your family in the Congo in my prayers! I pray that all will go well. We'll miss you! I hope that you have a great time! I will post again at a later date to get your address so our Sunday School class can write to you and see how things are going with you in the Congo. Love in Christ-Paulette : )