Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas-time is here...

With surprise I saw that yesterday was December 15 - or since I am studying French, I should say, "le 15e Decembre."

Without snow or Christmas lights everywhere, it can be hard for some to really see this as "Christmastime," but it still is. Regardless of the advertisements to buy more presents, an abundance of Santas and preparations to decorate the house - it's still Christmastime.

We haven't seen too many decorations - though I'm sure it will come, especially this weekend / next week. Last year we decorated the Christmas tree at the Kasali's on Christmas Eve. The same night that Kassie and I baked for hours on end!

I don't know what we will do to celebrate, this year specifically... We are in our house now without Congolese family members - a lot of displaced Americans. And most are new to Congo, especially during a holiday.

So we have the chance to develop a new tradition, a way of recognizing and focusing on the meaning of this time of the year. What will we do? How will we observe and celebrate and reflect on Christmas as a family, this year?

I don't know.

But my hope is that we will still see this for what it is, even if it doesn't look exactly the same.

It's Christmas.

I've been listening to Christmas music the past two days, maybe as a way to remind MYSELF and to put me into the "spirit." And sometimes, I can hear Mama Furaha singing Christmas songs... They are of course in Swahili, but hearing the tune still takes me to the spirit I'm looking for.

On Sunday, we attended local choir Echo du Salut's concert with a large, well-known choir from Butembo. As the concert opened up, the choir from Butembo sang the Halleluiah Chorus acapella, in Swahili. It was beautiful. Absolutely PERFECT. It was a fantastic way to be reminded of Christmas and to reflect on the power of words, regardless of language.

Joyeux Noel!
(Merry Christmas)

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