Monday, May 7, 2012


With my sisters - sorry it's a bad photo - I just love y'all!!!!
I found this blog posting - On Sisterhood and thereby the article that it references - The Spirit of Sisterhood Is in the Air and on the Air, from the NY Times, this morning.

What a treat. 

Both are talking about the importance for women, females, actually, to have close friendships with other females. Not just the importance, but the health and even psychological benefits for females to have a few close relationships with other females.
I love my Mom.

It made me think of my sisters.

And my Mom.

And the ladies that I am blessed to call my sisters.

What a gift!

Women who impact me. Support me. Challenge me. Strengthen me. Comfort me. Encourage me. Hear me. Want to be heard by me. Trust me. Share with me. Hope with me. Pray with me. Cry with me. Laugh with me.

I remember being a little girl and thinking, "Thank you God for making me a girl and not a boy... If I was a boy, I'd have to ask someone to marry me, instead of being asked!" Oh the thoughts of a child that didn't understand or consider the many different factors involved in choosing a life-partner (like, I'd know my future spouse first!)...

But really, "Thank you God, for making me a girl!" I get to enjoy and cherish deep, loving, amazingly-complex and beautiful relationships... With other women - women who need me as much as I need them. We are made and designed for relationships, for community. We as people, but especially we as women.

Thank you, God.

So, enjoy the articles, that are above. And these photos, of some of the women who have shaped, and continue to shape my life.

I love you and I thank God for you.

How's that song about "sisters" go...? Sisters... 

with little brother peeking in!


I love the women in my life! 

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